Julio 27

Memorias de un huaso viejo

Una nueva despedida
nos ha privado de verte
mas que lamentar tu muerte
hoy celebramos tu vida
toda tu gente querida
ha de seguir tu consejo
para alegrar el cortejo
en que en este día vas
cantando para honrar las
memorias de un huaso viejo

Santiago Varas

Category: Pie Forzado | Los comentarios están deshabilitados en Memorias de un huaso viejo
Julio 22

Demuestra un corazón fuerte

Demuestra un corazón fuerte
conservando su ternura
pon con templanza dulzura
a lo amargo de la muerte
ve y forja tu propia suerte
consciente que has de morir
si peligra tu existir
lucha sin contemplaciones
pero sin preocupaciones
es como debes vivir

Simon Needham / Media Drum World
The stunning photo was captured by photographer Simon Needham, whilst he was visiting the GG Conservation Wildlife Reserve and Lion Sanctuary, south of Johannesburg in South Africa.
Simon stood just 9m away as he took the images using his Canon 1DX Mark II camera. He said:
One morning, I decided to hang there and was lucky enough to catch one large male lion as he stood on top of the bone hill overlooking his land. He only stood there for a minute or so, but I was lucky enough to get a few shots before he moved on.
It was a very exciting moment and one I could have only dreamed of prior to going there that morning. I see people interpreting the image in many ways, but I see it as the proud lion king surveying his land.

Category: Décima | Los comentarios están deshabilitados en Demuestra un corazón fuerte